The 12th biennial AARSE conference (AARSE2018) produced a book of chapters titled:

Earth Observations and Geospatial Science in Service of Sustainable Development Goals

Published by Springer under the Southern Space Studies Series.

Synopsis of the book
The book provides a unique insight into the research and recent developments undertaken among the African Remote Sensing community in regard to the environment. It includes reports of the latest research outcomes in the field of remote sensing and geospatial information technologies, analyses discussions around operational topics such as capacity building, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), applications of advanced remote sensing technologies (LiDAR, Hyperspectral) in Africa, big data, space policy, and topics of high actually in the field of climate changes, ocean and coastal zone management, early warning systems, natural resources management or geospatial science for sustainable development goals.  The book comprises the contributions of the 12 th AARSE (African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment) International Conference, which is conducted biennially across Africa. It is the premier forum in Africa for research on remote sensing technologies and geospatial information science, gathering leading scholars from the remote sensing and related communities. The 12 th AARSE Conference held in Alexandria, Egypt was co- organised by the Arab Academy of Science and Technology, in partnership with the National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences (NARSS) of Egypt. The book is mainly addressed to practitioners and experts from academia, politics and industry.

This book or chapters thereof in various formats can be ordered online

Title of book

  • Earth Observations and Geospatial Science in Service of Sustainable Development Goals


Series Editor

  • Annette Froehlich: University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa


Associate Editors

  • Dirk Heinzmann: Bundeswehr Command and Staff College, Hamburg, Germany
  • André Siebrits: University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa


Managing Editor

  • Souleye Wade: African Institure of Geomatics/BEST


Advisory Editors

  • Josef Aschbacher: European Space Agency, Frascati, Italy
  • Rigobert Bayala: National Observatory of Sustainable Development, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • Carlos Caballero: León, Peruvian Space Agency, Lima, Peru
  • Guy Consolmagno, Vatican Observatory, Castel Gandolfo, Vatican City State
  • Juan de Dalmau, International Space University, Illkirch-Graffenstaden,
  • France Driss El Hadani: Royal Center for Remote Sensing of Morocco, Rabat, Morocco
  • El Hadi Gashut: Regional Center For Remote Sensing of North Africa States, Tunis, Tunisia
  • Peter Martinez: University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa
  • Francisco Javier: Mendieta-Jiménez, Mexican Space Agency, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Félix Clementino: Menicocci, Argentinean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Sias Mostert: African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment, Muizenberg, South Africa
  • Val Munsami: South African National Space Agency, Silverton, South Africa
  • Greg Olsen: Entrepreneur-Astronaut, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
  • Azzedine Oussedik: Algerian Space Agency, Alger, Algeria
  • Xavier Pasco: Foundation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris, France
  • Alejandro J. Román M: Paraguayan Space Agency, Asunción, Paraguay
  • Kai-Uwe Schrogl: International Institute of Space Law, Paris, France
  • Dominique Tilmans: YouSpace, Wellin, Belgium
  • Jean-Jacques Tortora: European Space Policy Institute, Vienna, Austria


Table of contents


Part 1: Space and Geospatial Science for Sustainable Development Goals


1.1 Earth Observation for Water Resource Management and Sustainable Development (Pages 3-13)


Mads O. Rasmussen, Radoslaw Guzinski, Christian Tøttrup, Michael Riffler, Marc Paginini, Benjamin Koetz.


1.2 River Long Profiles of Selected Third-Order Basins in Basement Complexes (Pages 15-24)


Adeyemi Olusola, Olutoyin Fashae.


1.3 A Remote Sensing Based Approach for Optimizing the Sampling Strategies in Crop Monitoring and Crop Yield Estimation Studies (Pages 25-36)


Babacar Ndao, Louise Leroux, Abdoul Aziz Diouf, Valerie Soti, Bienvenu Sambou


Part 2: Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Resources Management


2.1 GIS Based Analysis of the Extent and Dynamic of Forest Cover Changes Between 1990–2017 Using Geospatial Techniques: In Case of Gog District, Gambella Regional State, Western Ethiopia (Pages 39-48)


Obang Owar, Sintayehu Legesse, Dessalegn Obsi.


2.2 Conflict and Agricultural Production: Using Earth Observation to Assess Productivity and Support Rehabilitation in Syria (Pages 49-56)


Annemarie Klaasse, Eva Haas, Remco Dost, Michael Riffler, Bekzod Shamsiev


2.3 Morphometric Analyses of Tarhuna Drainage Basins to Accesses Groundwater Potential Using GIS Techniques (Pages 57-67)


Mamdouh M. El-Hattab, Abdualaati Ahmed, Mohamed El-Raey


2.4 Change Detection in the Horticultural Region of Cape Town Using Landsat Imagery (Pages 69-76)


Kevin Musungu, Zamambo Thobeko Mkhize


Part 3: Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Coastal Zone Management


3.1 Assessment of Lake Victoria’s Trophic Status Using Satellite-Derived Secchi Disk Depth (Pages 79-87)


Ingrid Martha Kintu, Anthony Gidudu, Lydia Letaru


Part 4: Applications of Advanced Remote Sensing Technologies (LIDAR, Hyperspectral) in Africa


4.1 Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Small Scale Precision Farming in Botswana (Pages 91-100)


Basuti Gerty Bolo, Dimane Mpoeleng, Irina Zlotnikova


Part 5: Climate Changes Implications on Sustainable Development in Africa


5.1 Spatiotemporal Analysis of Sitatunga (Tragelaphus Spekei) Population’s Response to Flood Variability in Northern Botswana Wetlands: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation (Pages 103-115)


Kelebogile B. Mfundisi


5.2 Assessment of the Impact of Deforestation on Forest Carbon Storage. A Case Study of Mabira Forest, Uganda (Pages 117-127)


Evet Naturinda, John Richard Otukei, Allan Mazimwe



Part 6: Space Technologies and Geospatial Sciences for Early Warning Systems


6.1 Analysis of the 2012 Flooding Events Downstream of Shiroro Reservoir, A Case of Gurmana Niger State, Nigeria (Pages 131-143)


Rukayyah Abubakar Bahago, Aishetu Abdulkadir, Halilu Ahmed Shaba, Abubakar Alhassan


Part 7: Big Data and Data Mining of Geospatial Data


7.1 Remote Sensing Analysis of the Evolution and Retreat Dynamics of the Auchi Gully, Southwestern Nigeria (Pages 147-160)


Adeleye Yekini Biodun Anifowose


7.2 Optimizing the Selection of Spatial and Non-spatial Data for Higher Accuracy Multi-scale Classification of Urban Environments (Pages 161-169)


Guy Blanchard Ikokou, Julian Lloyd Smit


7.3 Investigating the Potential of Common Earth Observation Satellite Imagery for Automated Multi-criteria Mapping of Urban Landscape at Municipal Level in South Africa (Pages 171-179)


Guy Blanchard Ikokou, Julian Smit


7.4 Integrating GIS and Remote Sensing for Suitability Assessment of Dams in Solai Nakuru: Kenya (Pages 181-190)


Kwatsima Brian Andala, Ruth Khatioli Sirengo


Part 8: AARSE Alexandria Declaration 29th October 2018 (Pages 191 – 193)


