Regional councilor for Southern Africa of AARSE
Dr Naledzani Audrey Mudau
South African National Space Agency (SANSA), Pretoria, South Africa
- na.mudau@africanremotesensing.org

Regional councilor for Southern Africa of AARSE
Dr Naledzani Audrey Mudau
South African National Space Agency (SANSA), Pretoria, South Africa
- na.mudau@africanremotesensing.org
Dr. Naledzani Mudau is a Remote Sensing Scientist, currently serving as the Acting Sector and Business Development Manager for Earth Observation at the South African National Space Agency. She holds a PhD degree in Remote Sensing and GIS from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. In her current role, Naledzani is responsible for Earth observation business and industry development, promoting the value of Earth Observation (EO) in decision-making processes. She leads various projects, including those focused on human settlements, Earth observation for sustainable development goals (EO4SDG), EO4Helath and capacity-building initiatives within the agency.
Naledzani’s significant contributions to the field were internationally recognized in 2019 when she received the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) award. Beyond her role at the agency, she plays a pivotal role in co-leading the South Africa-GEO and AfriGEO Sustainable Urban Development and Health Communities of Practice. Additionally, she co-leads the National Human Settlements Innovative Building Solutions workstream, an initiative under the National Department of Human Settlements. Naledzani’s has published 18 papers.
Naledzani is currently serving as regional councilor for Southern Africa of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE).