First Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Education, Science and Technology

Source: African Union


The AU took a Summit Decision EX. CL/Dec.420 (XIII) to reconfiguration all sectorial Ministerial Conferences into ‘Specialized Technical Committees” with the objective of enhancing the methods of work, and improving sectorial relationships, synergies, effectiveness and efficiency. In this regard, Education, Science and Technology were merged under the Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Education, Science and Technology (STC-EST).
There is no doubt that the Education, Science and Technology sectors are complementary and should effectively drive Africa’s social and economic development and accelerate the transition of African countries to innovation-led, knowledge-based economies. Hitherto, the African Union Commission has been convening separately the African Ministers responsible for education (COMEDAF) and Ministers responsible for Science and technology (AMCOST).
Consequently, the Commission will convene the first Ordinary Session of the STC on Education, Science and Technology from the 27th to the 30th of October 2016 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting will ensure continuity and consideration of the outcomes and progress in the implementation of the last meetings of AMCOST V and COMEDAF VI, as well as agree on the future functional governance of education and STI in the continent. There will also be an exhibition of model TVET programmes and on Space Sciences.

1. To update the Ministers on the status of on-going programmes and on RECs and Member States’ performance in the education, science and technology sectors;
2. Discuss AU Summit Decisions relevant to the conduct of education, science and technology on the continent;
3. Consider the Education and TVET strategies and the STISA implementation plan;
4. Consider the Africa Space Policy and Strategy;
5. Consider funding and mobilisation of resources, especially domestic resources; and
6. Establish precedence for conducting AU continental business in the fields of education, science and technology

Expected Outcomes
1. Endorsement of the Continental Strategy for Education for Africa (CESA 16-25) and other continental strategies, roadmaps and implementation plans in education, science and technology;
2. Report on the first meeting of the STC on Education, Science and Technology;
3. Agreement on reporting and follow up mechanisms for the continental agenda;
4. Actions for decisions during the next Summit of Heads of State.

• AU Ministers of Education, Science and Technology
• Senior Education, Science and Technology Officials
• Regional Economic Communities
• Development Partners (as observers)

Original article

Author: afriadmin
